Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Concerns of a Clubfoot Mama

I'm concerned about Lem's right foot. It's starting to turn in. I don't want to overreact though, so I'll wait until her October appointment before taking her back to the Dr. unless I see it getting worse.

Blah, not really sure why I'm posting except I am frustrated by the fact that we might need to have surgery after all, and this is the place that I designated myself to talk about Lem's clubfoot and voice those concerns that nag at your mind.

Take care,


Jocelyn said...

You don't know me but I came across your blog on a google search on club foot. My little boy was also born with bilateral clubfoot. I like hearing/seeing other parents who are going through the same process as we are. It sounds like your little one is doing great! My little one is now in his brace for naps and bedtime. somehow he keeps escaping his shoes {crazy little nut} but He's been doing great. I hope you don't mind if I continue to check in on you guys from time to time. and if you want you can check out my blog. I've noticed my little boy's foot turning in too, but i continue to massage his little feet and stretch his heel cord into a dorsal flexion daily and that seems to help me feel that he's still doing okay and that it doesn't seem to have lost any flexion. hope your little one continues to do well. and if you need anyone to talk to let me know!

Cary & Katrina Sanders said...

Lem is so sweet!
I hope you don't mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog.
I am from your clubfoot yahoo group as well.